Duct Tape Parenting (PEP's Big Talk)

I have read A LOT of parenting books. A LOT.  "Duct Tape Parenting" by Vicki Hoefle is one of my favorites.  I recommend it, I refer to it, heck I even give it as gifts.  It's practical and funny, just like Vicki and guess what?!  She's coming to DC!

I share with you two anecdotes to wet your whistle. . . . 

A room full of parents were asking Vicki about kids cleaning their rooms.  You know, groaning about how the children don't put their stuff away and the parent is paralyzed with indecision about how to handle it.  Direct(ish) from Vicki Hoefle's mouth she up and says,  "It's your crap, you bought it, you clean it up, you put it in the little bins."  WHAT?! It was a shocking moment of clarity!  Virtually ALL of the stuff in their rooms is ours.  It's OUR crap. We bought it. We gave it to them.  Do you guys need a minute to digest this? Let it sink in?  We do not have to categorize, label and containerize all that junk.  We just don't.  We can give it away, throw it away, sell it on e-bay.  This is going to mean something different to all of you.  I know, I know, confusing, stressful.  I ask you to simply try it on, look in the mirror, spin around.  How does it feel to NOT be beholden to all the junk in their room?  Does it make your derriere look cuter?  Is it flattering?  Is it too powerful for little ole' nice you? 

Vicki recounted her families morning routine and how she handed over ownership to her children.  At one point during the years long process (yes, it does take years for a human to learn how to get ready and out of the house on time and prepared -- some grown-ups are still working on it!) her kids asked her to take her coffee and stay in her room so she wouldn't be tempted to comment, give advice, share a nifty tip. Say WHAT?! Here's what I got out of this anecdote -- I can be a slightly bossy, loving, a teeny bit controlling and filled with good ideas Mom AND I can practice this kind of parenting.  I don't have to have a personality transplant to try any of these techniques.

I hope to hear more fun and useful anecdotes AND to see you there on November 20th.  Let's get ready to learn and laugh.

Vicki Hoefle, Parent Educator

Vicki Hoefle, Parent Educator

Tidyish Rooms (Learning to Love the B)

Perfectionism of all kinds gets in the way of relationships.  Wanting it to be perfect, our vision, our way makes us both mean and promotes procrastination. Kids bedrooms CAN BE a low stress way to practice learning to love the B.  Guys, don't turn every messy mole hill into a mountainous statement on your parenting.  Kids bedrooms all across America are pigstys.   It's not personal AND it can be practice.  And you know what - practicing is relationship building, and practicing isn't nagging!  Ya with me?  

Last week we heard the conversation between Mom and tween about cleaning up the room.  At the designated time of  4:00 Mom goes up to the tweens room.  Mom has just taken 20 minutes for herself. Mom is not over caffeinated.  Mom does not have have to go to the bathroom.  Mom is not hungry.  Mom has faith in child.  Mom reflects back to her tween years and remembers she couldn't  have cared LESS about where her clothes were, and so has wisdom and empathy that her tween is most likely similar.  Mom has re-read the first blog in the series and remembers that if she fires blame, shame and pain with tidying up the room, well - she can expect the tween to avoid any further exercises in togetherness tidying.  Let's dive back in.

Mom: Hiya sweetie, it's 4:00 and what did we say again about how much time we are going to spend tidying up? (Mom is armed with an herbal tea for herself and cold bubble water for tween.  Mom starts with a nice hello and a question.  There is no saccharine sweetness to try to make child WANT to clean room.  There is no 'tough guy' voice to try to MAKE the child get into action.)

Tween:  Ugh!  What a nightmare, I think we said 2o minutes? (A tween is a tween is a tween - don't be expecting no miracles.)

Mom:  I know! (empathy).  I'll set timer for 15 minutes and then we'll spend the last 5 minutes moving stuff around so your room is ship shape after 20 minutes. Here are the categories I see on the SURFACE (winky face) -  dirty clothes, clean clothes, garbage, schoolwork, books & magazines, memorabilia, stuff that doesn't live in your room. (Categorizing/Sorting makes deciding and doing easier later on.  Everyone gets tripped up by being overwhelmed with so many decisions -- TAKE the decisions out of it to start and your 'on ramp' to organizing is easier)  Where would you like to start?

Tween: Ummm . . . well a lot of this crap is Joe's (little brother) . . . it's not all mine! (Parent - do NOT take the bait - be a Kung Fu master and go WITH the punch, USE that energy.)

MOM:  Oh I see that!  How annoying - let's chuck that stuff into this bin here (Mom is armed with bin for stuff that goes elsewhere, black garbage bag for trash, white garbage bag for donate, paper grocery bag for books to donate - Mom isn't worrying about recycling in this case -- efficiency now will make for mindful consuming and cleaning up later.) Ok great, done with that. Now how about that garbage under the bed?

MOMENT OF PERSONAL GROWTH IS UPON US - BREATH IN - BREATH OUT - Stick with me, don't click away.  Are you ready?

Mom sees two empty bags of chocolate chips and a can of Dr. Pepper.  Ummm . . .this is VERBOTEN! What is MOM to do?  

Mom says NOTHING - zero, zip, nada, niente.  You hear me right.  Mom says nothing and actively relaxes her shoulders and says to herself, "I love my tween, I love my tween, I love my tween."

Tween might be nervous, try to hide the evidence, but Mom reaches out garbage bag in a friendly manner.  

Tween (nervously):  Um, I DON'T know how that got there.  I think that was from when the cousins came to visit.

Mom:  Ok, looks like garbage, pitch it on in.  Books or clothes next?

Tween:  Um, ok, oh, alright, clothes (Tween is  all like -- WHAT is going on ? Why didn't I get yelled at, now I feel really bad about sneaking all that . . . ).

They move along to clothes, they don't get to donate any books, but they do bag up some old t-shirts and socks with a couple of pairs of too small jeans into the donate bag, not a lot, but it makes a difference.  

The timer goes off at 15 minutes and Mom stops and asks tween to help her to and fro things -- garbage outside, stack unsorted homework stuff on desk, leave debris in the 'corner of shame' where tween usually hides things and at 20 minutes tween and Mom hug and go their separate ways.  Mom has learned tween wants new posters and will consider this after tween researches online where to order them.  Tween discovers Mom can be chill, Mom isn't as judgey as tween suspected, Mom sticks to her word, Mom is a little less annoying then tween thought.

Mom also makes a mental note to mention the verboten candy the next morning -- she doesn't lose anything by postponing the conversation.  Mom has successfully fired good will, patience, understanding and empathy with cleaning a tweens room.  THIS is the Magical Art of Tidying Up! 

PLEASE NOTE:  Techniques like these do not work if parent/child relationship is tense and uncooperative, filled with nagging, and low on fun and laughter.  Technique will not work if the amount of stuff is  too much to manage.  These two things need to be addressed separately and  before you try the above techniques.

Does Your Kids Room Look Like This? (#teensrelaxing)



This is a stock photo, but I'm LIVING this. LIVING.IT.  The current state of affairs in certain people's bedrooms is actually worse.  It's WORSE!  I really get after my kids on the days the dog walker comes, and I quote myself, "You GUYS, I am a parent educator AND a professional organizer - we can't let Allen SEE this!  We ARE a LOVELY family.  Pick this crap up!"  And because my kids love me and don't give a rat's a** about my job title(s), like order, don't mind disorder - sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.  I've gotten more or less zen about the 85% compliance -- I'm getting super ok with a B average these days, but that's another blog.

Here's the point, parents are at a loss riding that wave of helping kids clean up their room and letting it go.  May I offer some assistance with a script? 

Parent:  Yo! Your room is  . . . well . . . there really are no words . . . Grammy is coming at the end of the week and I just can't deal with her judgey eye rolls -- can you help me out? (Notice parent did not call the child a wreck or disrespectful or a slob.  The parent owned the problem.)

Child:  Um, not now. (A tween is a tween, is a tween - don't be expecting no miracles!)

Parent:  Ok, and I'm guessing you might NEVER feel like doing this.  How about at 4:00 today, I'll bring tea up for me and do you want an Izzy or a Bubble water? (Beverages can be very motivating to get people to do boring things.)

Child:  (Groan!) That's so lame Mom!  (A tween is a tween, is a tween - don't be expecting no miracles!)

Parent: Ok, unless you have a better time today, 4:00 it is, I'll surprise you with your beverage.  How long do you think you can tolerate tidying your room together? (Please don't try the, "We are DOING this until we are DONE" business.  This parent is firing humor, beverages, calmness, asking questions - hopefully it will wire organizing to it.  (Refer to last blog for a refresher on what gets fired together gets wired together.) Imagine if your child has the thought - 'Organizing - oh, no big deal, short amount of time, fun beverage and no drama -  a life long useful habit!  Using words like tolerate gets to the heart of the matter.  They don't wanna, they don't feel like it, AND they can tolerate stuff for a prescribed amount of time.)

Child: (eye roll, snort, groan, sigh) - 20 minutes. (Kids usually KNOW what is reasonable-ish, not always, but inviting them to come up with part of the solution is respectful and generally effective.)

Parent: Got it.  I will set at timer for 15 and then we can put things to rights with the last 5 minutes.  (A key organizing tool is to keep time & energy for putting donate stuff in bag, chucking un-sorted items into a bin, throwing out trash and just generally to and fro-ing all the stuff that doesn't belong in the room.  A BIG mistake is to work for 20 minutes and then have junk all in the hallway in unclear piles.)

Tune in next week at the same Balanced - time, same Balanced-channel (blog)* and we'll hear how our parent/child is getting along tidying up that bedroom!

* You guys remember this?  LOVED!

* You guys remember this?  LOVED!

Organized Child - Urban Myth or True Story?

Photo by Big Cheese/Big Cheese Photo / Getty Images

Photo by Big Cheese/Big Cheese Photo / Getty Images

Some kids are organized, some kids are neat, some kids are hot messes, some kids are organized about one thing and hot messes about others, some kids are always on time, some kids wake up at the first sound of an alarm clock, some kids are snooze-a- holics, some kids study, some kids wing it, some kids start a long term project the day they get it, some kids start a long term project the day before its due.  You guys, hell0? Do you see that I can change the words kids to people or us? This is US, this is YOU, this is your SPOUSE, this is ME.  Isn't it amazing that we are so far from perfect but we want our kids to be?  

Organizing & Children:  I feel a series coming on . . . there are so many, many topics for kids/stuff/organizing.  Let's start with this little nugget of neuroscience, what gets fired together gets wired together*.  When we yell, fuss, dominate, scream, shame and blame over chores and tidying up our kids might not be attracted to, want to, be able to, be inspired to do chores or tidying up.  See what got fired together (tidying up, organizing + yelling, shaming, blaming) got wired together (ick, stay away, don't help, unpleasant task, stress, never ending, shame).

I know this from actual experience.  I WAS the mom that let the playroom go and go and get messier and messier and grosser and messier until I had it and then, I am not even joking, I would stand there with a garbage bag and yell at those small children, "I am DONATING EVERYTHING that doesn't get PICKED up NOW!"  Sigh . .. . (right? and I am BOTH an Organizer AND Parent Educator - the universe can be be vindictive and mean).

If we want to lead our children into getting and staying organized we might want to try a few new techniques.  I'm not saying that you can't freak out with a large black garbage bag every now and then.  The parental over-reaction and dramatic dance has it's time, place and usefulness, but as an every day strategy - well, not so much.

Come back next week to learn what to say when you want to help a kid tidy their room (Yes! I will lay out an ACTUAL script).  

*From the fabulous  book - "No-Drama Discipline", Dan Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson.

Underused Parenting Tools (+ an update)

UPDATE: Remember the blog - about my eyeliner - Why Do We Do This To Ourselves?  Well, I have heard from a lot of you that you are LOVING your new stash of underwear, and fresh non fraying towels, and you know what?  SO AM I.  I bought all new towels the DAY BEFORE I posted that blog because I had to walk the talk, man!  Also, I finally purchased that eyeliner pencil sharpener (for under $5.00) and now my eyeliner is smooth and beautiful.  Keep sharing the stories and the inspiration!

Photo by 79mtk/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by 79mtk/iStock / Getty Images

Last week we looked at our go to Problem Solving techniques - did you notice how you always grab a hammer (niceness) when you might want to try a saw (firmness)?  I don't like to leave you hanging so below is the October Parenting in the Park article (published in the Glover Park Gazette)  filled with Underused Parenting Tools.  Try one now, save one for later!

Underused Parenting Tools

We’ve all heard the statistic, we only use 10% of our brain capacity.  After almost a decade of leading parenting classes, I have concluded that parents use 10% of all possible parenting tools (maybe even less).  Stern talking, taking away things, yelling, repeating ourselves, shame, blame and lecturing are our most popular techniques.  But guys, there’s a big wide world of parenting strategies out there!  Let’s explore, shall we?

Sleep:  Yours, theirs, ours.  Sleep IS a parenting tool.  Now we can’t MAKE anyone got to sleep but we can tidy up our sleep routines.  Consistent bed time (YOU too!).  Devices off one hour before bedtime and plugged in overnight in a NON Bedroom.  Only a couple sleepovers per month for the kiddos.  Keep weeknight grown-up events to jut a few a month.  Sleep improves our focus, our emotional regulation, keeps us fitter and trimmer and expands our patience.

Exercising:  Yours, theirs, ours.  Seriously, YOU working out is a way to improve your parenting game.  Even a 10 minute walk around the block will clear your head and generate optimism.  Physical activity has a way of sweeping away our blues and makes us feel less sorry for ourselves and gets endorphins flowing.  We are lucky in Glover Park to have parks and woods to enjoy and play in.  EVERYONE behaves better when they have been aired and fluffed.

Listening:  Sit down, take a deep breath, and stick with me on this.  We can NOT read our child’s (or spouse’s, or bosses’, or friend’s, or mother’s) mind.   GASP, I know!  Ask a question and then listen. We all behave from our beliefs and interpretations.  Guess what?  Our beliefs and interpretations are different from our kid’s (WHAT?!).  I speak the truth.   Really knowing what our kids think help us to effectively lead them.  We learn about them, they feel respected, together we come up with better solutions.   Then, you know what happens?  They tell us more stuff because we listen, we learn, they feel respected, we come up with better solutions together. Lather, rinse, repeat!

Together, let’s get outside to walk and play, listen to or kids (or spouse, or friend, or mother), and go to bed early.  With all that sleep, outside time and new information our relationships are bound to be lighter, more fun, and more productive.  No yelling necessary!


Problem Solving

Photo by zjzpp163/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by zjzpp163/iStock / Getty Images

A man is on a journey to the mountain top for enlightenment.  He finds himself on one side of a wide and deep lake.  He looks around, builds himself a raft and gets across dry and safe.  So pleased with himself and his problem solving, he straps that raft to his back and continues his climb.  Although he finds nary a lake, river, stream or creek, he does not let go of the raft.  The raft is heavy, cumbersome and slows him way down on his road to enlightenment.  
Adapted from a Buddhist tale.

Here's what we do people, we find one fabulous way to solve a problem and then we do that over and over and over. We keep lugging our metaphorical raft,  in spite of the fact there are tools that are more nimble, efficient, use less effort and are more effective.   Do you spot your particular raft from the list below?  

(I group them in pairs because I have found if we do one, we usually AVOID the other.  In times of stress we do even MORE of the one and stay FURTHER AWAY from the other.  A better, saner, more effective solution usually lies somewhere in-between our go to and our must avoid.)

NICE / MEAN -  If we want something we over nice people to get our way.  We nice, and nice, and do favors and are kind, and extend ourselves, all thinking that one day all those people we have been nice to will repay us in niceness (or good grades, or affection, or clearing the dishwasher, or picking up after themselves, or admiration, or a bonus).  We are extra nice if we feel totally devastated and hurt.  Alternately - if we want something we are aggressive and mean to get our way.  If we are hurt we cut off ties of communication, cloak ourselves in righteousness.  We yell and scream and think people will do what we want because we are so superior and scary.

WORK HARDER / PROCRASTINATE:   If we have a problem we work harder, we burn the midnight oil, we dig in, we try and try and try.  We add more hours to the task, we give up pleasure and exercise and fun because if we work harder we can solve the problem. We focus 174% on the PROBLEM.   Alternately, we pretend the problem isn't there and we procrastinate.  We'll surf the internet until we feel like working on our problem (hah!).  We avoid, we deny, we pretend the problem doesn't exist.  We take a break, we relax - HEY, we deserve it, it's such a BIG problem after all.

GO IT ALONE / HIRE HELP:  If we have a problem we feel a slight sense of shame for having a problem and we go it alone.  We become a one person research team to figure it all out on our own. We don't ask for help, we don't let people know we need help.  We only like the perfect versions of ourself so we white knuckle our way, we act like an expert, we don't MOVE until we have all the answers, got it figured out, know our final destination.  Alternately, we hire people, coaches, gurus, buy books, join seminars, listen to podcasts, consider alternatives and talk and talk and talk.  We figure if we purchase a coach then we can go back to relaxing because that investment should just grow and multiply and solve the problem on its own.

What's your poison?  What's your go to raft?  Let's take a minute and look at the actual terrain we are on, unstrap the raft off our back, give ourselves a break and try something new.


Jet Fuel GETS Us Going!

Distressing emotions can launch us, AND we need to create a lovely shuttle to travel in.

Distressing emotions can launch us, AND we need to create a lovely shuttle to travel in.

These days we focus A LOT on positive thinking, positive emotions and todays parents work our butts off making sure our kids never feel any shame, pain, hurt, disappointment, regret, longing, etc. Heck, we work hard to avoid feeling overwhelmed, anxious, sad or disappointed ourselves!  

BUT, maybe, just maybe we have thrown the baby out with the bath water. It came to me in a flash that those negative, sad and depressing feelings we try to avoid, at all costs, might just be the jet fuel that get us MOVING. Ever been heart broken for so long that you can't stand it and you finally decide to train for a 5k? Or you are so sick of being broke, in debt , and feeling bad about yourself that you MOVE towards making financial changes? Or have yelled at your kid one too many times, and then laid awake at 3:42 am regretting the yelling, so you sign up for a parenting class because you know there has got to be better way?

The anguish is jet fuel. It gets us MOVING!

HOWEVER -- the jet fuel gets us to lift off, but doesn't keep us in orbit.  We need a good shuttle design for that. That means we must nurture good relationships, open, direct and respectful communication. Our shuttle needs to be brimming with self-care (working out, sleeping, eating well and having fun). We need to travel somewhere comfortable and safe (we talk to ourselves, for the most part, with compassion & humor). You see if our space shuttle ONLY has jet fuel to get it moving, it won't work, we won't survive -- we'll lift off and crash, lift off and crash, lift off and crash.

Here's a little more bad news, we each have our own particular brand of jet fuel. Do you know what that means? It means our disappointment won't be the jet fuel for our children (or our spouse or our co-worker). THEY have to have their own disappointment (or shame or pain).  I guarantee, or your money back,  the things that make US feel bad will be different then what makes THEM feel bad.  (UGH!)

The point isn't to create pain, disappointment or shame. The point is to notice it and USE IT to propel us into a new orbit. The point is also to realize that our jet fuel can't make our kids move. We can't light them up with our jet fuel, nor should we try to protect them from their own.  Our job is to make our shuttle, and their space shuttle, comforting, productive and lovely places to see the view.

Why Am I ALWAYS Late? (Margins, Buffers, White Space & Reality)

Anyone else having trouble making the switch from "island" (summer) time to real, regular, gotta be somewhere on time, time? Because I am having trouble, this is gonna be a quick post.  Two things that get in our way . . . . 

NUMBER ONE - we don't create margins/buffers/white space around each activity.  If you are realistic and look at what you have assigned yourself (or life has assigned you) for the week you will probably find you are over booked.  The margins, buffers and white space are what keep you cheerful, positive, optimistic, and give you a fighting chance.  Dude, there IS traffic, there WILL ALWAYS BE traffic.  In the middle of the night you might be able to get from point A to point B in 20 minutes, but by the light of day you KNOW there will be construction,  and you know you will forget something, and maybe the Presidential motorcade shuts down 17th Street (hi, this was me last night!)  PLAN FOR IT.  We make ourselves crazy, we yell at our kids, we shame our spouses when we don't have margin/buffer/white space.   Everyone please take two things OFF your calendar for this coming 7 days, then add in 10 minutes to ALL of your estimated car trips.  Call me next week, tell me all the delicious things that happened to you in those margins, buffers, and white spaces. 

NUMBER TWO - we are not realistic.  We are working full time and sign up to volunteer like we have 20 extra hours a week.  Or we enroll in a class, but don't add in the 12 hours of studying PER WEEK we need to complete to get the A we are looking for.  Maybe we LOVE to agree to do things, that moment of possibility, but we never actually get to doing the THING we said we'd do.  Or we might over book, double book and then spend a bunch of our time re-scheduling, re-jiggering, apologizing and feeling bad about ourselves.  The time you have is the time you have.  Wishing, hoping, acting as if, dreaming, that you have more time ain't gonna make it so.  So do yourself, your family, your kids, your spouse, your fellow drivers a favor and be realistic.  Remember new realities get thrown at us every day -- we get a fever or a sinus infection and our energy is low. Our spouse or child gets injured and suddenly we have to do much more nursing/driving/caring for people then we were used to. So be realistic with YOUR current reality (and the real one, not the one you wished you had, or the one from last month, or the one you dream will be in the future!).  And you guys, reality is WAY more fun then you think!






Habits And Routines Are For Losers!

Photo by Tomasz Trojanowski/Hemera / Getty Images
Photo by Tomasz Trojanowski/Hemera / Getty Images

Routines have a really nerdy reputation.   You know, dorks use them, our Grandma used them, they are for losers.  You guys, give these nerdy guys a CHANCE.  Once you get to know a routine, you will see they are actually way cooler then they appeared at first glance.  Take off those thick glasses, plop in some contacts and bada boo bada bing your life just got easier, more efficient, productive and relaxing.


It's true, I speak the gospel, routines and habits are holy and fabulous and once you embrace a few you'll call me and say, "Paaaaiiiiiiggggeeeeee, WHY didn't you tell me about this sooner!?"  And I'll be all like, "Yo, I think I told you about routines. . .  but maybe you didn't hear me?"

Habits and routines are made of three parts:  a trigger, an action, and a reward.  

UNPRODUCTIVE HABIT - it's time to sit down and write a blog post or an essay or any other old thing I need to write:   Trigger - feelings of anxiety, inferiority, fear.   Thoughts of  "I have nothing to say!" Sit at computer with Safari page open.  Action - surf the internet to celebrity stalk, surf Facebook, feel bad about self, spouse, children, vacation choices, click and click and click.  Keep clicking until I find someone (celebrity or Facebook friend) who I feel superior to.   Embrace and enjoy the judgmental feelings about how stupid they are.  Reward - feelings of superiority, or I throw on the comfortable old feelings of inferiority and being less then.  Generate feelings so bad I need both Ben N Jerry to help me feel better (or caffeine, or more clicking, or a nap, or a glass of wine).  Feelings of anxiety are clicked, eaten or drunk away.  

So often we dive right into the action and just try to yell and shame ourselves into doing the thing we've been avoiding for 30 + plus years.  How's it been working folks?  Yelling and shaming and blaming has it's place, but not usually when trying to coax our brains into a new habit. Ever tried  seduction people.  We can create lovely, life enhancing and calorie free triggers that lead us to the action and then bada boo bada bing - a new KIND of reward.  Let's review!

PRODUCTIVE HABIT - it's time to sit down and write a blog post, or an essay or any other old thing I need to write.  Trigger - feelings of anxiety, scented candle lit, spa music playing in the background, the i phone on 'airplane mode' and timer set for 25 minutes.  Mixed in with the old thoughts of "I have nothing to say!" a few new thoughts pop up -  I love the smell of that candle, I feel like I'm at Elizabeth Arden, I can do almost anything for 25 minutes.  Action - open up blank document, anxiety, spa music, candle, sitting down and showing up.  Feelings mixed of satisfaction due to following through on what I said I would do.   Still some anxiety.  Notice that no phone is beeping, buzzing or nudging me.   Type a bit, "Oh my gosh -- good idea! The sentences are flowing.  Um, this one isn't exactly right, but I'll write it anyway because I'm pretty sure I'll show up again tomorrow for 25 minutes."  Keep typing.  Timer rings.  Reward - Feeling of being capable, of being trustworthy, of following through.  Creativity flowing, possibilities bouncing around, energy released.  Feelings of anxiety floating away in a 25 minute productivity bubble.

WORDS OF CAUTION:  While the habit builds I will have to tolerate a mixed  bag of both unproductive habit and productive habit.  I can't give up after a couple of days of internet stalking.  A few months later I might find I spend more times in the productive habit mode then I do in the unproductive habit mode.  Bada boo, bada bing  . . . a new habit has taken hold.  Now how about the laundry?!



Homework Hassles

They’re baaaackkkkkkk!  Homework hassles are back.  Anyone gritting their teeth and saying, “This year it’s GONNA be different”?  It’s a fresh start, a new you, spanking clean spirals, freshened up back packs, sanitized lunch pails, all is right with the world.  Fast forward a week, or two – forgotten assignments, overdue library books, obsessive checking on EdLine, unauthorized phone use by children.  Spiral of defeat and sadness.  Yelling, nagging, threatening ensue.  Is it 2014 again?  No, it’s EARLY in the 2015/2016 school year, we still have a chance Nifty Tippers! 

Devices:  Get technology tamed early in the game.  Come up with family boundaries (that means you too!).  Here are some ideas to spark your thinking: everyone phone free from 7-9:30, lap tops in public spaces, computers off 30 minutes before bed, tv watching only Thursday – Sunday, phones spend the night together in the kitchen.  These are not the rules, they are jumping off points for you and your family to discuss.  People (including kids) follow the rules if they help make the rules.  Try this,  “Ok folks, this is an experiment just Sunday night – Friday morning, we can all live with that, right?” Much easier to tolerate a new idea if it’s only for a limited number of days.  After a few weeks of experimentation you might find a happy middle ground for you and the kiddos.

Homework Help: I know how satisfying it is to edit that term paper, give your child some nifty tips, or instruct them to re-write something because you know they can write more neatly.  Homework is really a tool for the student and the teacher.  It’s very disrespectful to assume the child does not have it handled.  Consider also that it’s a real relationship drain when we try to be the parent, and the tutor, and the teacher, and the cheer leader, and the copy editor, and the calendar minder.  You are the parent.  Be available to support, listen, love, laugh and buy school supplies.  Ask what reminders might be useful to them and then focus on your own big life.

It takes a village:  Kids really do run into trouble.  Don’t take it all on yourself.  If you’ve butted out of the homework and things are nose-diving – go talk to the teacher, the school counselor, the class aide.  Think of these conversations as being more then one complete and satisfying event.  Gather information, leave with some new ideas, let questions and comments percolate.  Children are unfolding – you can’t solve it all NOW (as much as you want to).  Teachers can’t solve it all now(as much as you want them to). 

Again, your kids homework is for your kids.  Allowing kids to experiment, struggle, fail, succeed, work too hard, procrastinate, be a perfectionist, lose things, find things, triumph and ultimately learn something is a labor of love. 

Originally published in the September 2015 issue of the Glover Park Gazette.


5 Myths About Parenting Classes

MYTH 1: Parenting classes are for parents with big problems.

Parenting classes can be great for parents with big challenges and just as great for everyone else. Let's face it, parenting is a lifelong learning process. As soon as you get one age and stage mastered you move on to the next. Most people start going to parenting classes because they are frustrated. They sense there is a better way than nagging, yelling and power struggles. A good parenting class gives you a variety of tools for your relationship tool box to deal with problems big and small. Sarah Hill, a Montessori school teacher in the District, has 22 years of experience teaching children and advising the adults who live with them. Sarah says, "Over the years, after suggesting parenting classes for more positive parenting strategies, the results and responses are great. Parents feel the classes make them more confident and positive about their parenting skills. They also comment that they enjoy talking to other adults who have similar experiences with their children."

MYTH 2: I parent intuitively - what's the big deal about parenting?

That's true! And there is so much to be learned in a parenting class. For example, parents often spend a lot of their time and energy trying to stop behaviors that are irritating but developmentally normal. When they learn that saying, "No" emphatically over and over is normal for a 2-year-old, parents can ignore the "No" and move on to training the 2-year-old to pour a glass of milk or put on her shoes or pick up her toys. Knowing that teens roll their eyes can keep parents focused on listening to their teen, teaching her to drive or cook, all while being confident that the eye roll is just a normal teen tic and she will eventually grow out of it. Jodi Ferrier, a Washington mother of three, says, "The best thing I got out of going to a parenting class was realizing that other parents were dealing with similar issues and that so many tough stages are developmental."

MYTH 3: I don't want to share my family life with a bunch of strangers.

You don't have to spill the beans, air the dirty laundry or confess anything in a parenting class. You can just show up and listen but, if you feel like helping others, sharing your stories and wrestling with your issues is one of the most generous things you can do for other parents. In class you learn that most of your deep, dark parenting secrets are actually very common issues. What a relief! The strongest and most poignant bond between folks at parenting classes is that they love their kids very, very much. The support and encouragement participants get from class can be energizing and useful to take home. Knowing you aren't alone can relieve a lot of parenting angst. Jennifer Kogan, a licensed independent clinical social worker who offers individual, couple and family coaching and counseling to parents in her Northwest Washington practice, says, "Often, we live far from our extended families so we don't have a built-in support system. Parents can be very hard on themselves and often think that everyone else is doing just fine. The truth is that we are all vulnerable at different times during this journey and everyone needs a little help sometimes. Speaking up and asking for what you need can be the bravest and the most rewarding thing for a parent to do."

MYTH 4: Parenting classes take too long and I'm too busy.

They do take too long and you are too busy and it's a major inconvenience to take a class. Sometimes, however, what's most efficient in the short term does not get you the results you want over the long term. Consider all the time you spend yelling, reminding, nagging and cajoling, and it might add up to a few wasted hours. Those hours might be better spent in a parenting class or workshop that will give you the support and new ideas you need in order to practice patience and understanding while upholding your limits on your children's behavior-all skills parents need for long-term success. Knowing you aren't alone, knowing that you do some of this parenting job really well, learning a few tips from a professional or another parent pays huge dividends in your everyday life. Lisa Resch, a Washington, D.C., mother of two, says, "I was reluctant to sign up for a parenting class because I thought it would be stressful and potentially awkward but I loved it! I took three consecutive classes and was really sad when they ended. The most unexpected thing that happened in parenting class was meeting other parents who shared similar experiences and child rearing challenges. "

MYTH 5: Parenting classes are for people who don't know what they are doing.

None of us really knows what we are doing. We take childbirth classes, driving classes, cooking classes and computer classes; parenting classes should be viewed in the same way. Parenting is a lifelong journey, so why not get a little help on the way? Jodi Ferrier sums it up succinctly: "The most unexpected thing that happened in parenting class . . . I wanted to take more parenting classes!"

Article originally published in Washington Parent, January 2013.


Beware Vacation Photos: A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words (and edits out a 1000 others)

BACKGROUND:  I was on vacation for two weeks in the Canadian Rockies.  I plan vacations in the northern regions of our great continent to escape the heat and humidity of DC.  Being cool (as in temperature) is a real priority for me. I take weather very, VERY personally.  Like the rain is happening TO ME.  The humidity is all about ME.   I can't really relax on vacation until it's a perfect sunny day, 78 degrees, light winds from the north east.  

Photo #1:  Icefields Parkway, Alberta, Canada

Photo #1:  Icefields Parkway, Alberta, Canada

PHOTO #1:  It's 78 degrees with a fabulous cold wind coming from the GLACIER across the road.  I was so happy with myself and my family and our friends, I was overflowing.   I snapped this pic and sent it to my brother and sister.  They responded with adulation and enthusiasm, which I appreciated.  But the main event was my abundant feelings of well being.  A perfect mix of  hiking, being with my kids and fresh air.  While the feedback from the pic was nice, it wasn't as nice as where I was.

Photo #2:  Glacier Lake National Park, Montana, USA

Photo #2:  Glacier Lake National Park, Montana, USA

PHOTO #2:  Isn't this beautiful?    Aren't you the teeniest bit envious?  Behind the camera though I was hot and sweaty and grumpy.  There was a heat wave.  My 78 degrees had turned to 93 degrees with a billion percent humidity and half a trillion other hikers on MY trail.  I'm not sharing this to complain, the point is that I was actually feeling very cheated that my perfect vacation was being invaded by a heat wave (and OTHER people).  So I decided to get a cheap thrill by sending this photo to a bunch of people.  They responded by saying how beautiful it was and fabulous and this sorta filled up my hot, humid and disappointed cup.  

Photo #3:  Waterton Lakes, Glacier National Park, Alberta, Canada

Photo #3:  Waterton Lakes, Glacier National Park, Alberta, Canada

PHOTO #3:  Our trip continued, and like all trips, some of it was fabulous and some of it was disappointing and some of it was annoying and some of it was glorious.   I noticed the more content I was with my reality the less compelled I was to share it.  I could just live it, contentedly.   The more  let down I was by my reality the more I wanted positive feedback from people.  So I snapped finely framed photos, editing out the parts that sucked.  I sent this photo on the last day of our trip.  This final stop on our two week sojourn was touristy and hot and I did not like it.  Our motel was kinda grungy, smelled bad, and the 'view' was a joke.  Dinner was a disappointment, the beer list was lacking, the ice cream joint was meh.  And did I mention it was hot and HUMID.  IN CANADA.   I shot this on a morning stroll and sent it off looking for the feel good juice because I could crop out all the bitterness and wait for  the oohs and ahhhs from the texts to lift my drooping (and hot)  spirits.

FINAL THOUGHTS:  Vacation photos are fun.  I love sharing them, I love looking at other peoples.  I'm inspired by where all my fun friends go, and I'm the teeniest bit jealous. And then, I remember that in every photo there are disappointing, grungy, beer list lacking, and humid parts edited out. Just like in each and every one of our photos!

Disaster Ahead!

Photo by hxdbzxy/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by hxdbzxy/iStock / Getty Images

Yo! Parents, people, caregivers, friends, relatives and countrymen.  Summer is almost over, the school year is beginning.  It's usually equal parts dreaming of a perfect future and fretting over upcoming disasters.  Scary thoughts are so compelling that we often hitch our brain train to them and off we go on  rails of doubt, doom and disaster.  It's an easy thing to do AND it's not good for us, not good for our kids and not good for our sleep (and boy do we need sleep).  Below are a few quotes to jolt us off the worry tracks.   We can take our hot and unflattering disaster suits off and practice having faith that thoughts are not reality and when an inevitable disaster hits. . . . we'll all be able to handle it!

Our worry about possible disaster in no way prevents it.  We can only deal with trouble after it happens.   Our best refuge is to have confidence in our children and to take it easy until such time as our talents for coping with disaster are really called upon.  Rudolf Dreikurs
Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.  Leo Buscaglia
I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.  Mark Twain


The Only Shocking Part of That Story is that you are shocked

Oh no the didn't . . . !

Oh no the didn't . . . !

I really counted on my sister A LOT when I had my babies.  Her babies were a couple years older then my babies, and she is far more mellow, chill, realistic and reasonable then I am.  I called her once daily -- at minimum.

Also, she's hilarious, irreverent and has real mid-western common sense.  I called her about some drama or another, I honestly can't remember the topic, and she listened. I'm sure it was a repeat drama.  Like I had called her 47 times already with different variations on a theme.  Anyway, she listened, she paused, she said, "Well, the only shocking part of that story is that you are shocked."  WHAT?  OMG, it stopped me dead in my tracks, jolted my brain out of it's crazy vortex of worry and perfection and brought me right back down to planet earth.  Once the shock passed we laughed and laughed.

After I get to know people in parenting classes I'll use that quote on them.  I need to be sure people get my sense of humor before I unleash that awesome piece of advice on them, it has to be used with love, not judgement

How does this relate to you?  I'm so glad you asked! Here are common things we all are shocked by and frankly, as my sister says, "The only shocking part of that story is that you are shocked!" Let's break this sucker down by age.  (Please read through to the end, even if you have little ones).

0-2 1/2:  You are tired.  They cry a lot.  You don't know what to do. You cry a lot.  It's equal parts excruciatingly boring and excruciatingly joyful.  Diapers are expensive.  Your back hurts. They go to the Dr's a lot.  Plastic crap starts multiplying in your house while you are sleeping.  They can't help you DO one gosh durn thang!  They can't tell you what's wrong (the cause of their crying).  The bouncy seat, sling, new formula, cutting out cabbage from your diet, lavender oil, spa music will not necessarily stop the crying.  They cry a lot (worth repeating, it's shocking, I know, I understand).

2 1/2 - 5: They have temper tantrums, even when you speak nicely to them, even when you are reasonable, even when you explain things to them, even when you have given them a choice.  They still cry a lot.  They pick up a bad word or two and use it generously.  They don't sleep through the night.  They won't eat anything green (or white, or meat, or yellow, or soft, or hard, or things that touch each other, or things that are warm or cold).  They are unreliable employees - one day they set the table with all the joy and enthusiasm of a cheerleader, the next day they spit on your forks.  

6 - 9:  Fart jokes are hysterical.  They can do chores but they don't wanna.  They might still cry a lot.  Some still have some awesome tantrums.  They are not self-motivated about a lot of things.  They may not have a passion yet, even though that neighbor kid down the block does.  They are not appreciative that you signed them up for swimming (or tennis, or sleep away camp,  or gymnastics, or rec soccer, or drama class, or that reading tutor).  They just wanna do, what they wanna do, when they wanna do it.

10 - 12: They lie (they want you to love and admire them AND they want to do what they want to do AND they want their friends to love and admire them). They love their screens passionately. They don't wanna hear no research on screen addiction that you found on your screen.  They grow at different rates from the ideal (that's both up growing and out growing and mind growing and maturity growing).  Some have questionable grooming habits.  Some have too rigorous grooming habits.  Friends opinions are more important then ours.

12 - 13:  Temper tantrums can creep up again. Remember the bad words in earlier years?  They use those bad words, but super effectively AND with the correct matching hand motions AND they aren't trying to be funny. They kinda, sorta don't wanna  be seen with you.  (NO car dancing, or dancing of any sort for YOU in this age group -- it LITERALLY hurts them). Worries about stuff they won't tell you.

14 - 18:  The might fib some more.  They try drinking and drugs.  They are sexually aware and might be active.  They sleep the day away.  They are professional relaxers. Avoidance is a great way to deal with stress -- for them (social, academic, college, sports, you name it -- growing up is hard to do).  Alternately, they are professional students and achievers and map out their day and set unrealistic expectations for themselves and just over all over achieve. Rare is the parent of teens that brags, "Yeah, my kids got this -- totally balanced, together, good grades, nice amount of friends, AND chill."

19 - 94:  Lying, crying, tantrums, not sleeping through the night, fighting with siblings, professional relaxation, over achievement, screen addiction, fart jokes, unreliable chore doing, picky eating, being tired all might continue, is to be expected. Do NOT be shocked.  

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Photo by belchonock/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by belchonock/iStock / Getty Images

I'm putting on my make up the other day and I finally pull out a new eyeliner pencil I got at the Safeway. As I apply it to my bottom eye lids, it goes on smoothly and nicely and doesn't hurt, or stab or scratch.  I can't BELIEVE what I had been putting myself through for LITERALLY months.  Here's how it all went down . . . .

Back in February I got some new make up from Skin Therapy (I love - Susanne!).  The eyeliner pencil started getting stubby after a few weeks, so I used the electric pencil sharpener to get it back nice and ship shape. Whoops, I guess I was supposed to use one of those manual, tiny pencil sharpeners.  The electric sharpener made the pencil chunky and splintery.  Sigh, I wasn't going to see Susanne for a few weeks so I decided I could sort of use one little edgy part of the pencil and most of the time I didn't stab myself.   What happened then was like the poor frog that gets put in cool water and slowly the heat gets turned up until he's boiled, and he hardly noticed a thing.  Just like the frog, I adapted, tolerated, endured and got used to that stupid pencil for months and months.  I had thoughts like, "I should write this down to remember to ask Susanne to buy another one."  "I can't waste my money though, I have to use this one all up (remember the turmeric?)."  "I can't buy one at Safeway (or CVS, or Amazon), I can ONLY use the one authorized by the professional that gives me facials."  "Maybe I should try another sharpener."  "Ouch, ooch, ouch . . . ok that's fine."  "Hmmm. . . maybe just mascara today."

I see people in my organizing practice do this to themselves ALL the time.  Ever notice how much easier to spot problems, flaws and ares of improvement in other people?  I had to stab my eye for months before I realized I was doing the SAME THING I remind, coach, tell and nag my clients NOT TO DO.

Here's an incomplete list of common things we let slide.  Let's all fix one this week, shall we?

Crappy and torn welcome mat.  Worn, fraying, stained towels.  Toys that are broken or have missing pieces (oh, but Paige, they played with it that one time and had soooo much fun). Old, frumpy pajamas. Not enough underwear.  Mis-matched tupperware.  A cupboard filled with EVERY container from EVERY take out food place you have EVER ordered from.  A closet full of reusable bags (and I mean full, sister friends, so full you are afraid to grab one, and they are bunched and unappealing and just . . . ick).  Burned out lightbulbs.  Wrappers, empty coffee cups, mostly empty soda cans, donate bags, change and other miscellaneous debris strewn throughout the car.  No printer near your computer (arrgghhhhhhh!!!!).  Writing checks by hand instead of online banking.  Buying stuff at Costco you don't need because it was a great price.  Wearing your kids old clothes because they fit-ish.  Eating something that has passed its peak because no one else will, and we shouldn't waste.  Old and worn workout shoes.  Unwatered plants, too many pots of unwatered plants (maybe if we purge a few pots we'd water, I can't say for sure, but it's worth a try). 

Do any of these ring a bell?  Strike a nerve? Make you roll your eyes?  Now the temptation is going to be go to tell someone else to fix their crap. . . so much more satisfying to notice and nag others about their flaws and areas of improvement.  BUT let's be grown-ups here, just for a second.  Hey, I'll even start . . . .  I'm going to buy new towels and replace all my burned out light bulbs this week, and you?