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Right before the holidays is the perfect time to de-clutter, purge and get your house in order. I hear you people, “Paige, we are too busy. Paige (whining voice, yes adults whine just as much as children), I haven’t even BEEN shopping, I have to do holiday cards. Paige, I don’t wanna!”
1. Hardly anyone wants to de-clutter, don’t wait for inspiration. Please re-read The Most Exciting Nifty Tip . . . . Possibly . . . Ever.
2. Inspiration will come WHILE you are de-cluttering, NOT before.
3. The time compression will HELP you not HARM you. If you have to clean out that closet in 30 minutes you will spend a lot less time thinking about, considering, weighing options, and making perfect choices.
4. Interacting with all your stuff, all your spouses stuff, all your kids stuff will inform your holiday shopping. If you like hanging it up, picking it up, stepping on it, containing it . . . well then, you will buy more. If all that bugs you . . . . well . . . you shall re-consider stuff as gifts. Check out Fly Lady for clutter free gift giving inspiration.
5. We are entering the stay indoors part of the year. Remember school holidays, snow days, and sick days are upon us. Won’t you be nicer to your kids, to your spouse, to yourself if your home is more orderly and de-cluttered?
Let me know if you need any help! I’m here for you.