It’s possible to get some cheerful cooperation.
Be a better boss: Think about it, are we demanding, terse ordering and always seeing what they did wrong. Try being encouraging, noticing what is right, appreciating effort. If you ask if they can help you, be willing to accept a no. If it’s not optional phrase it as, “The dishwasher may be emptied now.”
Accept their contribution first. Let them do a task at their age level and experience level a few times. After they have done the chore a few times then you can start molding and improving.
Declutter, simplify and streamline. Sometimes the quickest way to cooperation is to get our own act together. The less toys, shoes, jackets and junk we have, the fewer chores we’ll have to do.
Kids are more natural cooperators than we think. Don’t give up. Resist rescuing or re-doing tasks. Below are some links to some more ideas and help for you!
How Families Can Navigate the Road to Cooperation